Converting an Office Building into a Self Storage Facility

Let’s talk about converting an office building into a self-storage facility! In this case, I helped the owner transform an old office building into a climate-controlled and access-controlled self-storage facility. This two-story facility includes an office, a lift, and 50 micro units with an average size of 50 square feet. I’ll provide a quick overview of the process and how we achieved this transformation. If you’re interested in learning more about this project or the process, please let me know in the comments. If there’s enough interest, I’ll make a longer video detailing the specific codes, zoning requirements, and structural considerations. I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you may have.

Now, let’s dive into the transformation process. When the owner purchased this building, it was already gutted down to the studs, which made my job as the architect much simpler since we could survey the building’s existing conditions. We used this survey as the basis for our design, and once the owner approved it, I created a set of construction drawings. These drawings were then submitted to the township for permit approval, and once we received the green light, construction began. Take a look at the footage to see the progress we’ve made so far. We had to extend the second floor throughout the building, demolishing everything that was in place and using new materials to support the storage load. I’m thrilled to present the final product to you, as it’s the result of a lengthy and intricate process. If you’re eager to learn more, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.

Table of Contents

Designing the Conversion

Evaluating existing conditions

Before embarking on the conversion of an office building into a self storage facility, it is crucial to evaluate the existing conditions of the building. This involves conducting a thorough survey of the building, taking into account its structural integrity, layout, and any existing infrastructure. By understanding the current state of the building, you can determine the feasibility of the conversion and identify any potential challenges that may arise during the process.

Creating a design based on existing conditions

Once the existing conditions of the building have been evaluated, the next step is to create a design that maximizes the potential of the space while taking into consideration the building’s limitations and constraints. This involves working closely with an architect who specializes in commercial renovations, as they will have the expertise and experience to develop a design that meets your specific needs and requirements. The design should take into account factors such as storage unit size and layout, climate control, access control, and security measures.

Getting owner approval for the design

Once the design has been created, it is important to obtain the owner’s approval before proceeding with the conversion. This ensures that the owner is satisfied with the proposed changes and that their vision for the facility aligns with the design. It is important to address any concerns or questions the owner may have and to make any necessary revisions to the design based on their input. By obtaining owner approval, you can proceed with confidence, knowing that everyone is on the same page and working towards a shared goal.

Creating construction drawings

Once the design has been approved by the owner, the next step is to create detailed construction drawings. These drawings provide a blueprint for the construction process and outline the specific details of the conversion, including structural changes, material specifications, and electrical and plumbing requirements. It is crucial to work with a skilled architect or design team who can create accurate and comprehensive construction drawings that adhere to local building codes and regulations.

Obtaining Permits

Submitting construction drawings for permit approval

Before starting the construction process, it is essential to obtain the necessary permits from the local township. This requires submitting the construction drawings for review and approval by the relevant authorities. The drawings should clearly outline the proposed changes and demonstrate compliance with building codes and regulations. It is important to be thorough and accurate in preparing the permit application to avoid delays or rejections.

Working with the local township

Obtaining permits for a conversion project requires working closely with the local township and adhering to their specific requirements and regulations. This may involve attending meetings, providing additional information or documentation, and addressing any concerns or questions raised by the township. Building strong relationships with the local authorities can help streamline the permitting process and ensure that all necessary approvals are obtained in a timely manner.

Obtaining necessary permits

Once the construction drawings have been approved by the township, the next step is to obtain the necessary permits for the conversion project. This may include building permits, electrical permits, plumbing permits, and any other permits required by the local jurisdiction. It is important to carefully review the permit requirements and ensure that all necessary documentation and fees are submitted to avoid any delays or complications during the construction process.

Construction Process

Demolition of existing structure

The construction process begins with the demolition of the existing structure. This involves removing any interior walls, fixtures, or finishes that are no longer needed for the self storage facility. It may also include the removal of exterior elements, such as windows or doors, to accommodate the new layout and design. Demolition should be carried out safely and in compliance with local regulations, with proper disposal and recycling of materials.

Extending the second floor

In some cases, converting an office building into a self storage facility may require extending the second floor. This is done to create additional storage space and maximize the use of the building’s square footage. Extending the second floor may involve adding new walls, framing, and flooring to create the desired layout. It is crucial to work with experienced contractors or construction teams who have the expertise to carry out these structural changes safely and efficiently.

Using new materials for storage load

As part of the conversion process, new materials may be required to support the storage load of the facility. This may include reinforced flooring, shelving systems, and other storage solutions. It is important to choose materials that are durable, resistant to moisture and pests, and able to withstand the weight of stored items. Working with suppliers and contractors who specialize in storage facility construction can help ensure that the right materials are used for the project.

Midway through the construction process

At the midway point of the construction process, significant progress should have been made in transforming the office building into a self storage facility. Walls may have been framed, electrical and plumbing systems installed, and climate control measures put in place. This is an exciting phase as the vision for the facility starts to take shape, and it is crucial to closely monitor the construction process to ensure that everything is being executed according to the approved design and plans.

Final product

After months of hard work and coordination, the office building is finally transformed into a fully functional self storage facility. The final product should reflect the original design and meet all the necessary requirements for storage unit size, climate control, and security. It is important to conduct thorough inspections to ensure that all systems are functioning properly and that the facility is ready to open its doors to customers. Finally, it is time to celebrate the successful completion of the conversion project and the beginning of a new chapter for the building.

Considerations for Storage Facility Construction

Structural requirements for storage units

When converting an office building into a self storage facility, it is essential to ensure that the structure can safely support the weight of the storage units. This may involve reinforcing flooring, walls, and other load-bearing elements to meet the specific requirements of a storage facility. Working with a structural engineer can help identify any necessary modifications or upgrades needed to ensure the safety and longevity of the facility.

Climate control and access control

Climate control and access control are two important considerations for storage facilities. Climate control involves maintaining stable temperature and humidity levels within the units to protect stored items from damage. Access control ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the facility and their respective storage units. It is crucial to incorporate the necessary systems and technologies to provide climate control and access control features in the converted building.

Choosing the right materials for storage units

Selecting the right materials for storage units is essential to ensure durability and longevity. Materials should be able to withstand the demands of storing various items and should be resistant to moisture, pests, and other potential hazards. It is essential to choose materials that are easy to clean and maintain to provide a hygienic and safe environment for customers’ belongings.

Security measures for self storage facility

Security is a top concern for customers when choosing a self storage facility. Implementing robust security measures is crucial to protect customers’ stored items and provide peace of mind. This may include installing surveillance cameras, access control systems, alarms, and secure locks. Working with security experts can help design and implement effective security measures to deter theft and unauthorized access.

Storage unit size and layout

Storage unit size and layout are key considerations when designing a self storage facility. It is important to offer a range of unit sizes to accommodate the diverse needs of customers. The layout should be efficient and maximize the use of space while providing clear pathways for customers to access their units. A well-designed layout can enhance the customer experience and contribute to the overall success of the facility.

Codes and Zoning Regulations

Understanding local building codes

Before embarking on the conversion of an office building into a self storage facility, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of the local building codes. Building codes dictate specific requirements for construction, including structural integrity, fire safety measures, and accessibility standards. It is important to familiarize yourself with these codes and ensure that the design and construction of the facility comply with all relevant regulations.

Ensuring compliance with zoning regulations

Zoning regulations outline how properties can be used in specific areas. It is important to ensure that the proposed conversion of an office building into a self storage facility complies with the zoning regulations in the local jurisdiction. This may involve obtaining special permits or variances if the current zoning does not allow for self storage facilities in the desired location. Working with professionals experienced in navigating zoning regulations can help streamline the process and ensure compliance.

Obtaining necessary permits and inspections

To legally convert an office building into a self storage facility, it is necessary to obtain the necessary permits and undergo inspections throughout the construction process. Building permits, electrical permits, plumbing permits, and other permits may be required depending on the scope of the project. It is crucial to work closely with the local building department to ensure that all necessary permits are obtained and that inspections are scheduled and passed at each phase of construction.

Benefits of Converting an Office Building

Utilizing existing infrastructure and layout

One of the primary benefits of converting an office building into a self storage facility is the ability to utilize existing infrastructure and layout. Office buildings often have spacious floor plans and ample parking, making them ideal for storage facilities. By repurposing an existing building, you can save time and money compared to starting from scratch with new construction.

Cost-effective compared to new construction

Converting an office building into a self storage facility can be a cost-effective option when compared to new construction. The structure and foundation are already in place, reducing the need for extensive site preparation and excavation. Additionally, infrastructure such as plumbing and electrical systems may already be in place, further reducing costs. Overall, repurposing an existing building can provide significant cost savings while still achieving the desired functionality and aesthetics.

Potential for adding value to the property

Converting an office building into a self storage facility has the potential to add value to the property. Self storage facilities are in high demand, and by providing a well-designed and well-managed facility, you can attract customers and generate steady rental income. This increased cash flow and income potential can contribute to the overall value of the property and make it a more attractive investment option.

Meeting the growing demand for self storage facilities

The demand for self storage facilities continues to grow, making it a lucrative industry to invest in. By converting an office building into a self storage facility, you can tap into this demand and provide a valuable service to individuals and businesses in need of storage space. With proper marketing and management, you can establish a strong customer base and position your facility for long-term success.

Challenges and Considerations

Assessing the feasibility of the conversion

Before proceeding with the conversion of an office building into a self storage facility, it is important to assess the feasibility of the project. This involves considering factors such as the condition of the building, its location, and the local market demand for storage facilities. Conducting thorough market research and feasibility studies can help determine if the project is viable and financially sound.

Managing the timeline and budget

Conversion projects can be complex and involve multiple stakeholders and contractors. Managing the timeline and budget is crucial to ensure that the project stays on track and within established parameters. It is important to work closely with contractors and suppliers to establish clear timelines and budgets and to monitor progress throughout the construction process.

Addressing potential structural issues

Converting an office building into a self storage facility may uncover potential structural issues that need to be addressed. This may include issues with the foundation, load-bearing walls, or outdated electrical and plumbing systems. It is important to work with experienced professionals, such as structural engineers and contractors, who can identify and address any structural issues to ensure the safety and integrity of the facility.

Dealing with zoning and permitting challenges

Navigating the zoning and permitting process can be challenging when converting an office building into a self storage facility. Zoning regulations may restrict the use of the building for self storage purposes or require special permits or variances. It is important to work closely with professionals who have experience in dealing with zoning and permitting challenges to ensure compliance and avoid delays or complications.

Tips for a Successful Conversion

Engaging the services of an experienced architect

Working with an experienced architect who specializes in commercial renovations is crucial for a successful conversion project. An architect can help evaluate the existing conditions of the building, create a design based on those conditions, and ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations. Their expertise and guidance throughout the process can help streamline the project and achieve the desired results.

Collaborating with a reputable contractor

Choosing a reputable contractor with experience in commercial renovations is essential for a successful conversion project. A contractor who understands the unique challenges of converting an office building into a self storage facility can help ensure that the construction process runs smoothly and that the project stays on schedule and within budget. It is important to thoroughly vet potential contractors and to check references before making a final selection.

Thoroughly evaluating the existing building

Before starting the conversion project, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate the existing building to identify any potential challenges or issues. This includes conducting a comprehensive survey of the building’s structural integrity, layout, and infrastructure. By understanding the existing conditions, you can develop a design and construction plan that addresses any potential issues and ensures a successful conversion.

Planning for future expansion or upgrades

When converting an office building into a self storage facility, it is important to plan for future expansion or upgrades. Consider the potential demand for additional storage units and include flexibility in the design to accommodate future growth. This may involve leaving space for future construction or ensuring that electrical and plumbing systems can be easily expanded. By planning ahead, you can minimize disruptions and additional costs when expanding or upgrading the facility.

Case Study: Davidson Road Self Storage Facility

Overview of the project

The Davidson Road Self Storage Facility conversion project involved transforming an old office building into a climate-controlled and access-controlled self storage facility. The two-story facility includes an office, a lift for moving larger items, and 50 micro units with an average size of 50 square feet. The project aimed to provide a high-quality storage solution to meet the growing demand in the local area.

Architectural design and construction process

The architectural design for the Davidson Road Self Storage Facility was based on the existing conditions of the building. The design maximized the available space and incorporated climate control and access control features to ensure the safety and security of stored items. Construction drawings were created and submitted for permit approval from the local township. Once the necessary permits were obtained, the construction process began, including demolition of the existing structure, extension of the second floor, and installation of new materials to support the storage load. The construction process required close coordination and communication with the contractor to ensure that the design was executed according to plan.

Lessons learned from the conversion

The Davidson Road Self Storage Facility conversion project taught valuable lessons about the importance of thorough evaluation, proper planning, and effective communication. Thoroughly evaluating the existing building before starting the project helped identify potential challenges and allowed for the development of a realistic design and construction plan. Proper planning, including obtaining necessary permits and working closely with contractors, helped ensure the project stayed within budget and timeline. Effective communication between all parties involved, including the architect, contractor, owner, and local authorities, was crucial for a smooth and successful conversion.


Converting an office building into a self storage facility offers numerous benefits, including utilizing existing infrastructure, cost savings, and meeting the growing demand for storage space. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the existing conditions of the building, obtain necessary permits, and address potential challenges such as structural issues and zoning regulations. By following the tips for a successful conversion and learning from case studies like the Davidson Road Self Storage Facility, you can successfully transform an office building into a thriving and profitable self storage facility.