7 Tips for Organizing a Storage Unit Like a Pro

Looking to organize your storage unit like a pro? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will provide you with seven simple tips and tricks to maximize the space inside your storage unit and make your storage experience more efficient. First, we’ll start off by emphasizing the importance of creating a list of all inventory. This will help you keep track of what items you have stored and make it easier to find them when you need them. Additionally, considering storing items inside clear bins instead of cardboard boxes can greatly help with organization. Clear bins allow you to see what’s inside without having to dig through them, saving you time and effort. We’ll also discuss the importance of disassembling furniture and storing items upright, as well as storing large, heavy items on the bottom towards the back of the unit. Furthermore, we’ll share tips on placing frequently needed items towards the front, utilizing vertical storage space, and labeling every box and bin. So, get ready to become a pro at organizing your storage unit!

1. Create a list of all inventory

The first step in organizing your storage unit like a pro is to create a detailed list of all the items you are storing. When you have a lot of items to put into storage, it can be difficult to remember everything that you have. By creating a list, you can easily keep track of what items are in your storage unit without having to dig through boxes or bins. Make sure to include a description of each item and any relevant information, such as its condition or value. This list will not only help you stay organized but also make it easier for you to find specific items when you need them.

2. Consider storing items inside clear bins instead of cardboard boxes

While cardboard boxes are commonly used for storage, consider using clear plastic bins instead. Clear bins allow you to see what’s inside without having to open them, making it easier to locate specific items. When you use cardboard boxes, you often have to rummage through them to find what you’re looking for. By using clear bins, you can save time and hassle by quickly identifying the contents of each storage container. Additionally, clear bins are typically more sturdy and durable than cardboard boxes, protecting your items from damage.

3. Disassemble furniture and store items upright

To maximize the space in your storage unit and organize more efficiently, disassemble any large furniture items before storing them. Taking apart furniture, such as tables or bed frames, can make it easier to fit them into your storage unit. Additionally, storing furniture items upright can help save space and allow for better organization. For example, you can lean disassembled chair backs or table legs against the back wall of the unit to create more room for other items.

4. Store large, heavy items on the bottom towards the back

When packing your storage unit, it’s important to consider the weight distribution to ensure stability and safety. Start by placing large, heavy items towards the back of the unit and on the bottom. This creates a solid base and prevents the larger items from crushing or damaging smaller, more delicate items. By placing heavy items towards the back, you also make it easier to access lighter items towards the front of the unit.

5. Place items you need more frequently towards the front

One of the key principles of organizing a storage unit is to make frequently used items easily accessible. When packing your unit, strategically place items that you are likely to need more often towards the front. This way, you won’t have to dig through boxes or move heavy items to find what you’re looking for. Consider creating a designated area near the entrance of the unit for these frequently accessed items, making them readily available whenever you need them.

6. Remember to go vertical

When it comes to utilizing the space in your storage unit efficiently, don’t forget to go vertical. Stacking boxes and other items vertically allows you to make the most of the available vertical space and free up floor area. Boxes should be stacked from floor to ceiling, ensuring stability by making sure each stack is secure. If you have items with shelving, such as bookcases or freestanding shelves, take advantage of this feature to create even more storage space.

Consider adding wire shelving or hanging shelves to the walls of the storage unit to create additional storage surfaces. This can be especially useful if you have small boxes or belongings that can fit on the shelves. Additionally, if your storage unit is particularly high, it might be worth keeping a foldable ladder or steps tool inside the unit to reach the higher shelves effectively.

7. Label, label, label

Labeling is an essential part of organizing your storage unit. It’s easy to lose track of what’s inside each box or bin, especially if they all look similar. Be sure to label every box and bin clearly with its contents. You can use stickers, markers, or adhesive labels to make the labels easily visible. It’s also helpful to include a brief description on the label, such as the items’ category or specific room they belong to.

When labeling, make sure the label is facing the front of the storage unit so that you can see it as soon as you enter the space. This way, you can quickly locate the items you need without having to move or open multiple containers.

8. Find out what you can and can’t store inside the unit

Before renting a storage unit, it’s essential to know what you can and can’t store inside. Different storage facilities have different rules and regulations regarding prohibited items. Commonly restricted items include hazardous materials, perishable items, flammable substances, and living organisms. Make sure to ask the storage facility management about any specific restrictions before storing your belongings to ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues.

9. Rent the right size storage unit for your needs

Choosing the right size storage unit is vital to ensure you have enough space to store all your belongings comfortably. Overestimating the necessary space may result in wasted money, while underestimating it may lead to overcrowding and difficulty accessing your items. Consider the size and quantity of items you plan to store and consult with the storage facility staff if you’re unsure about the ideal unit size.

Take into account not only floor space but also vertical space when selecting the unit. A higher unit with ample vertical storage potential may be suitable for stacking boxes or utilizing shelves. Organizing your items effectively within the unit can help optimize the available space and ensure efficient use of the storage unit.


Organizing a storage unit like a pro requires some planning and considerations, but it can significantly improve your storage experience. By creating an inventory list, using clear bins, disassembling furniture, and strategically placing items, you can maximize the available space and easily access your belongings when needed. Don’t forget to go vertical, label everything, and be aware of any storage restrictions. And most importantly, make sure to rent the right size storage unit for your needs. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of organizing a storage unit like a pro. Happy storing!